Nashville Predators: Top 5 Differences from Last Season

(Photo by John Russell/NHLI via Getty Images)
(Photo by John Russell/NHLI via Getty Images) /
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(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images) /

#2. Ryan Ellis Injury

Probably the most impactful difference for 2017 is that Nashville will start their season without key defenseman, Ryan Ellis. Ellis will miss around four months, but be ready by the turn of 2018. This will be a huge blow to the Predators’ defensive corps and something Nashville did not have to deal with in 2016. P.K. Subban did miss 14 games last season due to injury, but that does not compare to losing Ellis for half the season.

Luckily for the Predators they do have one of the most talented defensive rotations in the NHL. Roman Josi, P.K. Subban, and Mattias Ekholm will round out the top half during Ellis’ absence. Nashville also acquired Alexei Emelin in the offseason, which will take some of the load off of the top three. Nashville will definitely be able to overcome missing one of their best defenseman, but regardless, this is something the team will have to deal with that they did not in 2016.