Thanksgiving gatherings are filled with characters and unique personalities. So, who are the five Nashville Predators you meet at Thanksgiving dinner?
It is a time-honored tradition, filled with stereotypes and food. A day family, feasting and football across the nation. Aunts and uncles, grandparents and children all gather at a home to enjoy the holiday. If you watch the commercials or movies, the day is filled with merriment. Of course, if the Nashville Predators were playing hockey, it would help.
All of this is a Utopian picture of the American ideal. And, within this picture comes the characters and personalities of the various family members. The crazy uncle that knows everything about every sport, and reeks of Old Spice. A new boyfriend or girlfriend escorting the cousin who is trying to impress everyone. Grandmother insisting you eat more food, and Grandfather in a food-induced slumber in his recliner.
All this got me thinking, what players on the Predators roster would fill the family stereotypes? Now, this is not to suggest any deep insight into who each player really is. I don’t. I have never sat down and ate a meal with any of the players. How fun would it be, though, to have Thanksgiving dinner with the Predators?
Let’s have some fun, friends. Using some of our favorite family gathering stereotypes, who are the five Nashville Predators you meet at Thanksgiving dinner? To say that it would be an interesting meal, and probably the most entertaining, is an understatement.