5. 1993 Black and Whites Relaunch
Here is a classicly simple take on the jersey. Think of all of the jerseys out there with all of the different color combinations. Most of the time, the best ones have black or white as the primary color. Black looks sleek. We wear black in our daily lives to look slimmer and more attractive. Our eyes are just naturally drawn to black apparel. All of those things hold true with these jerseys. The black really makes the orange accents pop. These get the nod over the very similar 1989 jerseys, because of the change from orange to white numbers. It is cleaner that way.
4. 1984-86 Orange and Whites
My favorite color is orange, so naturally, I was drawn to these uniforms. Not to mention, a good majority of the All-Star game jerseys have had orange featured. However, these jerseys have an appealing simplicity to them. Even though they have a bunch of stars on them (another staple in All-Star jersey history), they are in simple, straight lines. The exact opposite from two years before. More on those later. Another great aspect is the shadowed, 3D effect of the lettering and numbers. It really makes them pop, without having to fill them with a crazy pattern or absurd color. These are definitely worthy of any top 5 list out there.