Nashville Predators Holiday List – 25 Days of Predsmas: Week 2

Nashville Predators goaltender Pekka Rinne (35) and defenseman Mattias Ekholm Mandatory Credit: Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Nashville Predators goaltender Pekka Rinne (35) and defenseman Mattias Ekholm Mandatory Credit: Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports /
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Alexander Radulov
Alexander Radulov #47 of the Dallas Stars  (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images) /

Ebeneezer Scrooge is a classic, almost quintessential, holiday villain. He hates joy, doesn’t care about others, and is greedy as any other villain on this list. Sure, he gets a redemption arc, but let’s not focus on that for the sake of this writing.

People don’t refer to nice people as Scrooges, after all. So who would the Scrooge of the Nashville Predators be? Who is one of the more selfish souls to ever be encountered in Smashville? Well, look no further: our Ebeneezer Scrooge is Alexander Radulov.

We drafted him, developed him, and put faith into him, and how did he repay us? Well, he left the team for the KHL, snubbing Nashville in spite of being under contract, and wouldn’t return for four years. When he did return, well, he was nothing but an absolute Scrooge while finishing out his contract, earning suspensions from both the league and the team.

After becoming reviled, and rightfully so, by the Predators’ faithful, he bolted for the KHL again, returning to the NHL in 2016 with the Canadians, and now playing for the division rival Dallas Stars.

Just because I need a chaser after writing anything about Radulov, here’s a video of him and another Nashville Predators villain, Patrick Laine, colliding like two semi-trucks playing chicken:

I hope Radulov never lifts a cup.