The Bridgestone Faithful will deliver
There’s been a lot of talks about home crowds for both teams in this series. To the credit of Hurricanes fans, they’ve definitely held up their end of the bargain in their three home games inside PNC Arena.
The Predators fans brought that high energy we all know them for in Games 3 and 4, and the Predators narrowly escaped with double-overtime victories in those games. It was awesome to see that electricity inside Bridgestone Arena for the first time since 2019.
I realize sometimes we overhype how much fans actually have an impact on the game, but I do think in playoff hockey that they can make a difference. We know it’s going to be loud, and we know the Predators are going to feed off of that.
I feel good about forcing a Game 7 tonight and the fans giving the players that extra jolt of energy to push through and play their best games.
To the fans of Smashville, you haven’t lost your mojo at all over a year full of fans not being in the stands and very limited capacities towards the end of the regular season. You’re still just as passionate and crazy as ever.